2024年7月25日(木)に、一橋大学千代田キャンパス6F第4講義室でHUB-SBA FS Summer Conference on Finance 2024が開催されました。
HUB-SBA FS Summer Conference on Finance 2024では、ゲストプレゼンテーター3名とFSファカルティ―3名の発表が行われました。概要につきましては、Program & Abstract (Download)を参照ください。
Public perception, identification, and market impact of ESG events
Presenter: Vitali Alexeev(The University of Technology Sydney)
Modelling High Frequency Crude Oil Dynamics using Affine and Non-Affine Jump-Diffusion Models
Presenter: Katja Ignatieva(The University of New South Wales)
Structural change in the relationship between electricity and fuel prices: Evidence from the Japanese electricity market before and after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011
Presenter: Kazuhiko Ohashi(Hitotsubashi University)
The Low Frequency Trading Arms Race: Machines Versus Delays
Presenter:Yoshio Nozawa(The University of Toronto)
Dynamics of Market Spread of First-to-Default Swap in an Information-Based Approach
Presenter:Hidetoshi Nakagawa(Hitotsubashi University)
The impact of homeless encampments on housing prices
Presenter:Yoshiki Shimizu(Hitotsubashi University)